Published Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Spotlight: Professor Darcy Delaney-Nelson
Spotlight: Professor Darcy Delaney-Nelson
“Through higher education, I’ve found my career, gained some of my best friends, met some of the most amazing people in my colleagues and students, learned I love to learn (I didn’t really know this in high school), and met my husband… so I would say it means everything to me,” said Rose State College Professor Darcy Delaney-Nelson.
Professor Delaney-Nelson received her associate degree in journalism from Rose State and then continued her educational journey to earn her bachelor’s in journalism and mass communication with a minor in sociology and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Oklahoma.
Growing up, her dad worked for the Oklahoma City General Motors assembly plant and was a staff writer for the local UAW newspaper, and she reminisces on the excitement of seeing her father’s name in print publication. She remembers him staying up late at night, working diligently on his articles. Curiosity led her to visit his job and observe people piecing a layout together and editing photos. “When I was 13, I submitted articles to the local newspaper for publication,” Professor Delaney-Nelson said. “I think ever since then I had a love for journalism and mass communication.”
Her journey to becoming a professor was not the one she envisioned. “I love teaching at a community college. Most of my job is helping students in whatever way I can to see them succeed.” After being prompted by a former professor, she applied for an adjunct position, transitioned to a full-time professor, and has been at Rose State for nine years.
Professor Delaney-Nelson teaches various classes including Public Speaking, Introduction to Mass Media, News Reporting, Layout & Graphic Design, Media Production, and more. If she is not teaching a class, she can be found in the newsroom with her students producing the college newspaper “15th Street News” and the “6420 Magazine.”
She finds joy in witnessing her students collaborating on a beautiful and creative publication in the newsroom. “There’s nothing more exciting than watching someone accomplish a goal, and I get to be part of that every year,” Professor Delaney-Nelson said.
In 2023, Professor Delaney-Nelson was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Oklahoma Pro Chapter Teacher of the Year Award for her work with “15th Street News” and “6420 Magazine.” SPJ recognizes a professional journalist or media outlet who has made significant contributions to the field of journalism.
Professor Delaney-Nelson’s advice for incoming college students is, “Take classes in topics
you find interesting, even if you aren’t sure it’s right for you. I originally thought I wanted to major in psychology, but as soon as I walked into the newsroom, I knew I found my people.”
Rose State College is grateful to have faculty like Professor Darcy Delaney-Nelson. With 60+ degree programs, Rose State has something for everyone. For more information, please visit