COVID-19 Campus Resource Page
Protocol feedback, questions, and comments should be directed to the Office of Safety, Security, and Risk Management at email address or 405-736-0213 (extension 6213).
Health and Safety
Decisions for COVID-19 Sickness and Exposure. If you have been exposed to or are sick with COVID-19, please carefully review the information on the following tables.
This information is provided to assist in decision making only – always rely on the guidance of a physician for professional medical advice.
Level of Exposure | Can I come to work? | Do I need to be tested? | Whom do I notify? | Where do I go for care? |
You tested positive for COVID-19: You have been tested by a health care provider. | No. Stay home for 5 days. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house. Continue wearing a mask for five additional days following isolation. | If you have already tested positive, you do not need to be tested again. | Notify your immediate supervisor AND Campus Officials right away. 1. Email 2. Call 405-736-0213. | Your healthcare provider will manage your health needs. |
A close contact tests positive: Someone you live with, a roommate or significant other. | Yes. Please wear a high-quality mask for 10 days following exposure. Isolate if signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 develop. | Test 5 days after last exposure. | No need to notify campus officials. | If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 10 days. |
Neither working from home nor Admin Leave are permitted. Employees must use available sick or discretionary leave to be absent from work. Annual leave may also be used if the employee invokes his or her FMLA; if entitled. Contact Human Resources at (405) 733-7979 or for assistance with FMLA needs. |
Level of Exposure | Can I go to class and move about campus? | Do I need to be tested? | Whom do I notify? | Where do I go for care? |
You tested positive for COVID-19: You have been tested by a health care provider. | No. Stay home for 5 days. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house. Continue wearing a high-quality mask for five additional days following isolation | If you have already tested positive, you do not need to be tested again. A negative test is not required to return – see comment to left. | Please notify Campus Officials. If you reside in housing or are in athletics, please also inform housing personnel or your coach. 1. Email 2. Call 405-736-0213. | Your healthcare provider will manage your health needs. |
A close contact tests positive: Someone with whom you have spent more than 15 minutes in close contact (6 feet of distance). | Yes. Please wear a high-quality mask for 10 days following exposure. Isolate if signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 develop. | Test 5 days after exposure. | No need to notify campus officials. | If no symptoms occur, you do not need care. You should self-monitor your health for 10 days. |
Mask Usage Policy. Rose State College encourages the wearing of a face covering while indoors, especially if you have been recently exposed to someone sick with COVID-19. A high-quality face covering, such as KN-95 or N-95, should be used. However, in accordance with SB 658, Rose State College does not mandate or require the use of masks to receive service.
Individuals with concerns about wearing a face covering due to a disability should contact the appropriate office.
- Students: Student Access Services – 405-733-7373 or
- Faculty/Staff: Human Resources – 405-733-7979 or
COVID-19 Testing Options.
- Free at-home tests are offered by the federal government. We recommend that you order your free at-home tests, prior to needing them, through the website.
- Other testing options may be sought at
Hand Washing and Hygiene. The primary method of cleaning your hands is by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. The alternate method of cleaning your hands is with a hand sanitizing solution with an appropriate level of alcohol content (60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol).
All employees are encouraged to wash or sanitize their hands after completing the following actions:
- After donning and doffing a mask,
- After utilizing the restroom,
- After using tissues with a sneeze or cough,
- After touching their face, and
- At least once every half-hour when dealing in transactions (monetary, documents, etc.)
Temperature Checks. If temperature checks are deemed necessary for an event or gathering, the following guidance is to be followed:
- All temperature checks shall be conducted with an infrared touchless thermometer.
- A mask or face covering must be worn by the individual taking the temperature and the individual whose temperature is being taken.
- Directions for the thermometer must be understood by the individual taking the temperature.
- Temperature Guidelines:
- If the initial reading is below 100.4 °F, the individual shall be permitted to enter.
- If the initial reading is above 100.4° F, the individual assessed shall sit down and rest to ensure ambient temperatures are not affecting the reading. The individual shall rest for five minutes
- A second reading shall be conducted. If the temperature is above 100.4° F, the individual assessed shall sit down and rest to ensure ambient temperatures are not affecting the reading. The individual shall rest for 3 minutes
- A third and final reading shall be conducted. If the temperature is above 100.4° F, the individual shall be asked to leave and return once symptoms have subsided.
Recommended Self-Monitoring After Exposure. Prior to arriving on campus, please conduct a wellness check looking for the following symptoms:
- Fever,
- Cough,
- Shortness of breath,
- Chills,
- Muscle or body aches,
- New loss of taste or smell,
- Sore Throat,
- Nausea or vomiting, and/or
- Diarrhea.
If employees exhibit any of the preceding signs or symptoms and they cannot be attributed to any other illness or chronic conditions, consider getting tested (3-5 days post exposure) or staying home.
Requests for disposable KN-95 Masks. Requests for KN-95 shall be made through the Operations Help Desk, found on the campus intranet ( If a resupply is immediately needed, create a help desk request as normal and contact the Operations department immediately afterward (405-733-7434 or extension 7434). Request increments shall be no more than 100 masks/week unless explicit permission is gathered from the Office of Safety, Security, and Risk Management.
Posters and Signs. The following are posters and signage that can be distributed or displayed.